A lovely day though a bit chilly. Egad, it's 2/3 of the way through May - we should be having warm weather, e. g. Spring jacket or no jacket. Instead, it's bundle,
bundle! No wonder some plants just can't (
warning: strange metaphor ahead) get off the ground.
Well, the flowers which I thought were attached to one of the grapevines turned out to be attached to some other plant, so I don't know what the heck they are. And, of course, that means that I still don't have grape flowers. Hmm. Looks like it'll be the fourth (fifth?) grapeless year. Oh, well.
It seems that the sunflower seeds I planted a couple of weeks ago are finally coming up. At least, I think that's what those plants are. I've never grown sunflowers before, so I'm unsure about what they look like when they're just coming out of the ground. Could be weeds. Who knows?
Oak tree pollen is again very high, and mold pollen is considered moderately high, per
the Weather Channel. I'll be outside and I'll be working in the garden, but I'll also be the one you hear sneezing.
PROGRAMMING NOTE: I'll be away on Friday, so there won't be a post then. Happy Memorial Day!