Thursday, June 13, 2002

It's again cold and rainy. You'd think it was October!

The indoor bouquet is doing nicely. The flowers dry out within a few days and then I toss the petals into a zipper bag for making pot pourri. The combination of the mock orange and the dark pink roses should make for a lovely aroma and beautiful pot pourri.

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Another dreary, on-and-off rainy day. I finally planted those older seeds yesterday. I didn't bother following directions other than the planting depth. Eh, if anything grows, it'll be a miracle.

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

The flowers look very nice. I added a purple gentian (don't know how well that'll last in a vase) plus some more mock orange. The mock orange plant is almost done with blooming. We had a lot more blooms than usual this year and the plant has been extremely fragrant. A great year for the mock orange!

Monday, June 10, 2002

Was away over the weekend at a lovely wedding wherein every woman received a dark pink (a little lighter than the ones I grow) rose with a sprig of baby's breath. The rose survived the journey home without too much incident and is now ensconced in a vase with some of the roses I grow.